Tilly and the Wall - I saw them open for Rilo Kiley a couple of years ago and it was a complete schtick act. For some songs, the band's main percussive force is at least one member's tap shoes. While I did find it amusing for a bit, I just couldn't get into the music. I'm sure my girlfriend's love for this band only enhanced my displeasure, seeing how I had to listen to them ALL THE TIME. But you know what - sometimes people come around, including myself. When I found out Tilly and the Wall had a new album, I downloaded it for my girlfriend, like a good fella should do. It so happens that I added it to my iTunes library and, one day, on shuffle, a track from this new album (Bottoms of Barrels) came on and I wasn't instantly repelled by its sound. The track was "Lost Girls" and I think I actually liked it. After listening to the album recently, I came to the conclusion that it wasn't all that bad... and maybe they, as a band, weren't that poor afterall. Assuming that they are one of the earlier acts in the afternoon, I might consider giving them a shot.

Amy Winehouse - She's been getting a lot of crap lately, considering that the's cancelling shows left and right, reportedly due to her extracurricular habits (i.e. drinking). With that said, however, there's no denying her voice and how rich it is. I really don't relate to her music that much, but I don't avert my ears whenever I hear "Rehab" in my car. I moreso think it's a bit ironic (and it probably isn't), but that's just me.

Silversun Pickups - Now this is where it gets good. They played a show here in Atlanta sometime in the summer and I just missed out on the opportunity. After the buzz generated from that show, I decided to snag a copy of their album, Carnavas, and I absolutely loved it. I've wanted to see this band ever since, and I haven't been able to. I can see this band having a slot like Wolfmother had last year - later on in the afternoon in Mojave. This is my first "must-see" band at this festival, and I'll be damned if I miss out on 'em.
Comedians of Comedy - For some reason, I have a feeling that Zach Galifianakis won't be there. If he isn't, I don't know if I'll stick around for a few minutes during their time slot. Can someone confirm whether or not he'll be there, along with the others?

Tokyo Police Club - "Nature of the Experiment" is a nice taste of Canadian rock. I haven't had much of a chance to devote much time to their EP, A Lesson in Crime, but I know I'll be putting it into my rotation in the coming weeks because of the obvious. They're coming to town in a few weeks, too, opening for Cold War Kids. Unfortunately, I won't be able to make that due to my new job, but hopefully I can catch a few tunes at their Coach appearance.

Peaches - I fully expect to get all sweaty, greasy, and sexxed up whenever I see Peaches. I'd like to say that it's a love-hate relationship with her, but I disagree. I don't love her, and I don't hate her. I had a great time seeing her back in July . I'm sure I'll see her and the rest of the Herms on the Outdoor Theater stage under the stars, probably with a slot like Eagles of Death Metal's last year (after 8PM).

Sonic Youth - I'm still wondering how a band like Sonic Youth can exist for 25 years and still be a powerhouse on the indie rock scene. I mean, Rather Ripped, their 15th studio album, nearly topped several "Best Of" lists at the end of 2006. How is that possible? I'll tell you how - because they will blow yr mind! I saw 'em with Mary Timony in August of '02, right after Murray Street came out. I couldn't believe how good they were and how their improvising really fit in so well with the "traditional" songs. I wouldn't be surprised if they closed out the Outdoor Theater, and, if they do, I'll be there.
The Jesus and Mary Chain - Let me just say this - I'm completely unfamiliar with this band. From what little I HAVE heard, however, it certainly hasn't been that bad. There's a good possibility that I'll check this out on sheer noteworthiness. I'm probably a moron for being that far out of the loop when it comes to bands like this.

Interpol - Do I really care about Interpol anymore? This performance might make or break it. Let's face it - everyone loved their first record. Their second seemed like a retread of their debut, and it got them more commercial notoriety. I loved 'em the first time I saw them when they sold out the Cotton Club. Then they came back during the Curiosa tour and I could've cared less. Apparently they have a new record in the works. The Coachella crowd will definitely get a taste of some of the newies. But how will it be received? Like I said - do we really care?

Bjork - I never got Bjork. When her Greatest Hits album came out a few years ago, I bought it, wanting to appreciate her material. I figured that that was the time to really get started with liking Bjork, or just getting a good taste of her material. Well, I just could not get into it. I can like the music, but I just cannot get past her voice... or her antics. After watching the footage of her '02 appearance on the DVD, it only reminded me that maybe I should continue to give her a chance. Maybe this is fate's way of messing with me and my preferences and that I'm destined to cross paths with her on April 27th.
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