
UPDATE: New Thrashers Blogs!

I figured I'd do this since it helps out everyone in the end - both blogger and reader.

Thoughts from the Postman
Jason is entirely new to the blogging scene, so be delicate with him as he blossoms to be the blogger that he will be one day soon! He's picking up on the Thrashers' winning ways this season and really taking a knack at learning the way the team works, who the team is, etc. So his developing insight will definitely be an interesting read, for sure! I look forward to watching this space grow in the next few weeks/months.

Thrashers Thrashings
Erby was also in attendence for the Thrashers Blog Night a few weeks ago. He provides a great mix of links to Thrashers-related stories online as well as personal anecdotes from games. You can tell he's pretty passionate about the team when he lists his favorite music as Lil' John screaming "LETS GO THRASH-ERS!" There's no way you can deny that.

Talking Thrash
I just stumbled upon this blog today actually, so I have yet to really go through it and provide any kind of summary on it. Seems like there's a good thing going on over there. The more Thrashers bloggers online, the better! I just love reading other people's perspectives on what I also witness.

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