Wow, so that was another miserable effort by a team that looks like it's losing some of it's mojo, and for sure some of its lead in the standings. After trying to deal with terrible traffic and an even worse parking situation, I missed the entire first period. The first goal sounded like it was primiarily Kari's fault and we ended up catching the Kovalchuk tally and then somehow made our way through maze-esque parking lots and meandering through thousands of cars and other misled
I mean, we were able to score some pretty amazing seats for the game, but I just wish that the Thrashers gave us reason to celebrate. This game was mediocre, mildly stated. The power play is in shambles, any kind of special teams that we have really appears non-existant, and our defense seems to be more effective at planting roots into the ice at Philips than actually moving around and trying to work the opposition. What comes to mind with these problems is not the players - I really feel that there is something that isn't being activated by Coach Hartley. I just don't see how we have all of the talent in the world and we cannot do a damned thing on the power play, ESPECIALLY on the 5-on-3 opportunities that should be no-brainers. Luckily for us, we only took three penalties last night, so who knows how well the penalty kill units would've worked if they were actually put to the task. But the issue with the power play is mind-boggling.
It really does appear that the team is disintegrating or becoming disabled. We're not being figured out by the worst teams in the league, we're just not playing to the potential that we know we have. The last thing the Flyers are concerned about is watching hours of tape to try to figure out the first-place Thrashers and how to topple their system. If it was a legitimate playoff race, I could see the sense of urgency for the Flyers squad. Seeing how they are the WORST IN THE LEAGUE in terms of standings/points, the Flyers had nothing to lose, didn't care about what happened, and actually played. I'm sure if they were down a few goals, morale would've dipped and the game would've been our's. But then again, who knows, considering we have little evidence that the Thrashers know the definition of what a "comfortable lead" is!
Yes, I'm very frustrated. I'm neither a coach nor a trained hockey-wiz, but I know that something needs to be done to light a fire up the collective ass of the Atlanta Thrashers hockey team. Last night, I saw very little emotion brought to the ice and lack of spirit brings lack of drive. Why push for anything more if you don't feel it inside? All of the mistakes and mishaps this team has endured this season are purely mental errors. Maybe getting rid of Hartley and bringing in someone more qualified like, say, Dr. Phil would have more of an effect on the Thrashers mindset than what Hartley is currently exuding.
While it is hard to believe that there were any positives to the evening, GM Don Waddell's appearance to the crowd (regardless of how big/small) for the 680 post-game show was a bold move... commendable, even. A lot of fans would love to get their chance with DW and just put him up in front of a firing squad and the chance was there last night. Granted, I also missed a bunch of the post-game show due to the five-mile trek back to the core of the earth for my car, but what I did hear sounded like the situation was neutralized. DW mentioned that something needs to happen to bring either more defensive aspects to the team or a notable center to get this team moving in the direction that it should be. Funny, because I really thought the rotation of Kapanen/Rucchin/Metropolit at center was working for a while... hmm... right.
I did notice this morning that the great Thrashers Talons site analyzed some figures after the Islanders debacle from Thursday night. There are a couple of entries that bring attention to different aspects of the team and, as always, are very interesting and especially enlightening. This is good for someone like me who doesn't have the time to plug in numbers into my so-called "correlational calculator" and make connections from that. Another post looms on the horizon has The Falconer aims to be coach for a minute and make suggestions for the team that would not address any trade/player-movement issues. Sounds good to me! Keep your eyes tuned there as I'm sure that's coming up later on tonight.
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