
Yeah, baby, yeah -- you're alright, still!

Tomorrow nite's the super-cool (fingers crossed!) Cat Power show at the Variety. We've gone over this before. Needless to say, I'm still excited and I'm anticipating it greatly. I'm thinking this show will either make or break my relationship with Chan Marshall. We'll see. And hopefully I'll bring in a camera... that's the thing about the Variety - you never know if you're gonna be able to sneak one in there and, if you do, whether you'll catch any flack once it's inside.

Also, Vincent finally got auf'd from last week's Project Runway. About time, I say. Never liked the guy from the get-go. Now that both he and Angela are gone, it's time to let the talent shine and not have to worry about any other weird moments of insanity to conflict with everyone else's skills. But now that I think about it, today's Monday... and we all know what that means - fourfour time!

In Thrashers news, with the signing of Kari Lehtonen (I want to say "yay!" but at the same time I'm quite hesitant to do so, imagining that my outburst will have some sort of effect on his groin, thus taking him out of the first half of the season), comes the quietly-mentioned departure of ECHL goaile juggernaut (hmm, or not) Adam Berkhoel. While I am somewhat sad to see Berkie take the high road to Buffalo, I must admit that I really don't care. Had Atlanta not had so much of a demon hellride in net last season, the average Atlanta fan (well, average in my circle, not average on the Atlanta street) would never know of Mr. Berkhoel. Same goes with Michael Garnett, but he was already higher on the depth chart... so at least he would've had a small 1"x1.5" headshot in the gamenite program.

What I am excited about, though, is the coverage that local prospect David Caruso is getting (recent article, for example). Granted, it's hockey coverage in Atlanta, but at least the guy is getting some press. Seems like the Wayne Chrebet of the Thrashers if you ask me... and, if you're a sports/football/NYJ fan, you know about Mr. Chrebet. We'll see how he pans out, but I completely welcome him with open arms. Could be a great story for Georgia/Atlanta hockey if he even makes a ripple in the organization, let alone a splash.

Oh yeah, let's not forget about fantasy hockey! It's looming on the horizon... and soon!

More to come tomorrow, scouts' honor!

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